Mackereth kreeg eerst muziekles in Kingston upon Hull. In 1982 begon hij zijn muziekstudies aan het Newcastle College of Arts and Technology. Later studeerde hij tromboneslagwerkcompositie en HaFaBra-directie aan het Birmingham Conservatoire in Birmingham en behaalde aldaar zijn Bachelor of Arts. Vervolgens was hij muziekleraar in verschillende scholen van het voortgezet onderwijs. Verder was hij dirigent van diverse blaasorkesten en muziekdocent tijdens cursussen. In deze hoedanigheid had hij optredens zowel in het Verenigd Koninkrijk als in de Verenigde StatenDuitsland en ArgentiniĆ«.

Van september 2007 tot en met 2014 was hij hoofdleraar van de zogenaamde Heart of England School in Balsall Common. Verder is hij dirigent van de Nuneaton Citadel Brassband van het Leger des Heils. In 2008 werd hij door de bekende New York Staff Band van het Leger des Heils uitgenodigd om aan het concert Profile 30 deel te nemen. Hij is dirigent van het Salvation Army Symphonic Wind Ensemble (SASWE).

Als componist schrijft hij vooral werken voor blaasorkesten en kamermuziek.

Well-known for his compositions and arrangements, Andrew R. Mackereth has more than fifty compositions; religious and secular in print; many frequently feature on the concert programmes of premier Salvation Army Bands. These, along with numerous manuscripts awaiting publication, are continually featured on international broadcasts and recordings.

Andrew Mackereth was born in Gateshead Tyne & wear in 1965. A fourth generation Salvationist, he first attended a meeting aged barely a week old. The son of officer parents, he has lived in many places including 4 years in Zambia and nine years in Kingston-upon-Hull. It was here that he began his earliest musical training.

Andrew earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the Birmingham Conservatoire and for nearly twenty years taught music in Secondary Schools. He is now a Head Teacher by profession, and continues to be in demand as conductor, composer and lecturer and has appeared throughout the United Kingdom, America, Germany and Argentina.

In September 2007, he was appointed Headteacher of the Heart of England School in Balsall Common, England. Andrew lives in Nuneaton with his wife Stella and two children, Eleanor and Joshua. They all attend Nuneaton Citadel, where Andrew serves as Bandmaster.

In 2008, Andrew was honoured by the New York Staff Band as the guest at the prestigious: Profile 30.

Faith 93.7 Studio

Busy night at the Studio