In 1988, Bandmaster Victor B. Kingston (R) had the inspiration of forming a Divisional reservist band. He approached the Divisional Commander for the Metro-Toronto Division, Lieut. Colonel Norman Coles, who readily agreed with the proposal and gave it his full support. Bandmaster Kingston then undertook the organization of such an aggregation.
The formation of the Metro Toronto Reservist Band, as it was then known, was no mean feat since everything, instruments, music, uniforms, and practice location, had to be obtained. Divisional Headquarters helped financially to get things moving, along with generous discounts from the Trade Department. Lieut.-Colonel Coles continued giving guidance and encouragement by being personally involved in the Band’s formation. He had every confidence in Bandmaster Kingston’s ability to establish and maintain the group in accordance with Salvation Army principles.
Bandmaster Kingston was an excellent organizer and gathered about him people with similar abilities. With the aid of Toronto businessman Paul Willison, a Board of Directors was established which consisted of thirteen members and met the official approval of Commissioner Will Pratt, the Territorial Commander at that time. This kind of Board, reduced to ten, was required by the Canadian government for groups applying for funding grants from the New Horizons Program for projects in which seniors were involved. The first listing consisted of Paul Willison – Chairman, Lieut.-Colonel Nick Bell, Lieut.-Colonel Clarence Burrows, Bill Chinnery, Wally Court, Reg Cutler, Major William Davies, Wilf Dean, Ed Judge, Major George King, Vic Kingston, Captain (now Lt. Colonel) Mervin Leach, and Ted Robbins. The membership of the second Board was Paul Willison – Chairman, Major William Davies, Bill Colley, Lieut.-Colonel Clarence Burrows, Bill Chinnery, Reg Cutler, Wilf Dean, Ed Judge, Victor Kingston and Ted Robbins. New Horizons came through with a substantial grant which certainly helped in equipping the band.